
Chairman: James F.
Adviser:   Ryan McGinniss

Committee Functions

In our committee, we honor our Native American forefathers by weaving their culture into the culture of Witauchsoman Lodge 44. Specifically, we are responsible for:

  • All Ceremonies performed by the Lodge
  • Creating and maintaining Native dancers
  • Learning and playing our dance/ceremony drums

So, when you attended a ceremony, saw a dance or heard the drum..well..that was our committee at work! But to do this takes a lot of work and a lot of fun. Here are our duties:

  • Conduct all Ceremonies and dances
  • Train our ceremonialists so they are effective
  • Take care of all our regalia and equipment
  • Make regalia, gear and props for our teams
  • Maintain our ceremonial circles at Trexler and Minsi
  • Approve all summer camp call-out scripts and help as needed
  • Do ceremonies for special occasions (Cub cross-overs, Eagle COH,…)
  • Research traditions and assure validity to costuming
  • Research, train and perform authentic Native dances
  • Maintain Lodge 44 drums and teepee
  • Promote interest in Native American culture
  • Go to local PowWows and other Indian events

And..we have fun doing it! Our heritage is a key part of all Order of the Arrow principles, and we get to live the legend.

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    In the words of Kitchkinet

     “Follow me, and these my brothers..Let us try to find the Arrow”