Brotherhood (2nd Degree/Honor) – Seal the Bond

Becoming a Brotherhood Member (2nd Degree/Honor) is EASY!

Click here for an easy printable sheet on: Becoming A Brotherhood Member

Register for 1 of our 3 Lodge Weekends to become a Brotherhood Member:

Becoming A Brotherhood Member

1. Memorize the signs of Arrow membership. Memorize the Obligation of the Order, which you received from Allowat Sakima (printed on the back of your membership card and in your handbook) Also memorize the Order of the Arrow Official Song, the Admonition, the sign of Ordeal membership, and the arrow handclasp.

2. Advance in your understanding of the Ordeal. Gain a thorough understanding of the Ordeal through which you have passed. See “The customs and Traditions of the Ordeal” in your handbook.

3. Serve your unit. Maintain your registration in Scouting. During a period of 6 months, strive to fulfill your Obligation by continuing and expanding your service to your own troop or team.

4. Plan for service in your lodge. Pay your dues in Order of the Arrow lodge. Be aware that acceptance of Brotherhood membership involves a pledge of future service to the lodge. Develop a concrete idea of how you plan to fulfill this pledge.

5. Review your progress. When you earnestly feel that you have met the four challenges above, write a letter to your lodge or chapter secretary(depending on who is administering the induction). In this letter: Explain what you think the Obligation means, Describe how you have been fulfilling this Obligation in your troop or team and in your daily life, and how you have used your understanding of the Ordeal to aid in your service, and describe your specific plans for giving future service in the lodge program. Include with this letter your advance registration application and fees for the next Brotherhood ceremony according to the instructions

Trail to Brotherhood

Your completion of the Ordeal sets you on the path of an exciting adventure. After at least 6 months of active service  to your unit, you will be eligible to seal your membership in the Brotherhood ceremony. The Ordeal has introduced you to the mysteries of the Order. Now, during the service to your unit as an Ordeal member, you have ample opportunity to increase your knowledge of the Arrow and to make it work for you. Your brothers in the Order stand ready to help also, and you should take advantage of their support whenever possible.

Responsibility of a Brotherhood Member

Brotherhood members have pledged to serve the Order. This service can take many forms. As a Brotherhood member your first responsibility in Scouting is still your troop and team. Limit the amount of responsibilities you take on so they do not conflict with each other. The Order of the Arrow is a service organization. It serves Scouting by promoting the Scout Oath and Law and especially the principles of brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service. It serves Scouting by promoting Scout camping and by building and maintaining camping traditions. It serves Scouting by turning your habit of a daily Good Turn into a lifetime purpose of leadership in cheerful service.

History of the Brotherhood Membership or Second Degree

From the beginning of the Order in 1915, all members have been equal. There are no ranks. As an Ordeal member you are entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership in the Order. Yet, so important is the induction sequence that the Order strengthened it by creating Brotherhood membership. It is an opportunity for members to evaluate their unit service since their Ordeal induction.

Brotherhood membership is sought by Arrowmen seeking to reaffirm their belief in the high purpose of the Order. Before becoming a Brotherhood member, each Arrowman makes a special effort to serve his troop or team. Each Brotherhood member commits to even more service to Scouting through the Order.

Completing your Ordeal set you on the next part of your “long and toilsome journey,” applying what you learned in your Ordeal to your life. When you have learned about the ideals of the Order and made them a part of your life, you may become a Brotherhood member. Becoming a Brotherhood member marks the completion of your induction into the Order of the Arrow.

Except for making the necessary arrangements for Brotherhood ceremonies, it is not necessary for Brotherhood members to meet as a separate group.  Social and service activities are not held for Brotherhood members apart from other members of the lodge.

The Ordeal, with its test and ceremonies, presents many ideas and ideals. During the months that follow, you think about your Ordeal. Practicing the principles taught in the Ordeal deepens your understanding of them. Each new experience strengthens your commitment to the Order’s principles and purposes. Finally, you are able to accept the additional obligations and insights of the Brotherhood.

Your sole obligation as an Ordeal member is to serve your troop or team, and only after you are satisfied that you are doing this are you ready for more. The Brotherhood obligation includes a pledge to support the work of the Order. As an Ordeal member you are welcome to participate in lodge activities, but you have no obligation to do so. As you approach Brotherhood membership, you should develop a definite idea of how you can serve the Order.

Your Ordeal consisted primarily of physical impressions. The Brotherhood ceremony is one of deeper and quieter mental impressions.

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